Saturday, October 23, 2010

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


We talked about how God can allow for people both innocent and wicked alike to be punished. the idea of unjust punishment was overwhelming. for example little kids being struck with Polio and dying and having no control, God just allowing for it to happen. In my mind, when i think of unjust punishment, the Holocaust comes into my mind. thousands of innocent people being persecuted for their religion, or even the color of their eyes or hair (not being of the Aryan race). women and children gassed and slaughtered, innocents that put their faith in a higher power who let them die. Suffering is innate. for humans, for some ungodly reason, people are attracted to suffering. think about it, most of the media and movies and some books even have some level of suffering, and people flock to it. Example... Jackass the movie...extreme suffering.. people are going crazy for it. driving on the freeway, and there is an accident, people slow down to witness the accident to see if anyone is injured, dead, or suffering. This type of suffering is cathartic, in that by viewing the supposed carnage of the accident allows the viewer to experience the cleansing effects of suffering without experiencing the physical pains.  its human nature to be curious, but it is sad that suffering in some aspect is an intriguing aspect of life. Music is immensely affected by the bible and some aspects of suffering and emotions. i feel that we have suffering and bad times so that we may appreciate the good times.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

A friend once told me a not so funny joke. Women’s rights. Ha ha ha yea.. not so much. I didn’t find the joke that funny. So this blog will be about the women in the bible. According to Mrs. Sexson
What characteristics that women have X chromosomes, mammary glands and wombs to carry babies! Eve is considered the mother of all living. She is the one who watches over the living things. Yes God does that but in a different way from Eve. If you think about it we put women features on a lot of things that we have in our lives. I know that I put a feminine name on my car. I call her "she and her". Mother earth has a feminine name.
I know that a lot of my friends have feminine names for their autos. And we have these ideas that certain colors belong to a man or a woman. The color red usually gives off the woman feature. And black gives the masculine notation. Why is that? Men can like red. Women can like black.  Gender is not about who is man and woman, its about who is playing role of masculine and feminine.
Today in this society it is just the idea that people have that give to the feminine things. These days women are moving out of the house wife notation. That women can do the same things that men do. Naturally women are sometimes better in some areas then men. Did you know that women make 73 cents to every mans dollar made in the workplace. Woman can do just if not more then the things that the man do. It’s the role that we play in society that puts a defination on who we are. I don’t know really where I am trying to go with this. I just felt that I needed to put my idea out there before I forgot what I wanted to write about. One should see my desk area. There are so many sticky notes everywhere with ideas that I want to blog about. Is that a femine characteristic that I have, that I write down my idea on sticky notes… J  

Frye says that the bible is like the letter U. why is it a U? Is it because it starts happy then goes down to the pits then goes back up again to end happily? And the U has such a big rise and fall in its slope.
I think that the bible should more be described as a W. there are so many questions that are unanswered, and bad things that happen that it should be a W. it goes up and down so many times, that it is more like a wave then any letter, which conviently starts with the letter W. so many bad things happen, yet so many good things happen too. So the good things are the tips of the letter, and all the bad things are the pits of the letter. The creation story is the tip. Adam and Eve being banished from the garden is the bad part of the story. Moses being in Egypt is a good part of the story; the bad part is that his people were slaves. God saving Moses and his people is the good part, and I guess that God killing Pharaoh and his people is a good part if you look at it that way that Moses and his people were finally free. God creating women out of man is a good thing. Are there more good things that happened in the bible than bad things? I know that we haven’t really gotten into the 'deep' of the bible, and we will only skim the surfaces of the bible, but it seems that a lot of good endings have come from the bible.
Speaking of good things that have happened, is this why the bible is considered a comedy? To me, my definition of a comedy is something that is funny.  I feel that the bible is not that funny. Is that the pit of the letter? The bible not being that funny? And yes the bible does end happily. What would be a better word to describe the story line and plot of the bible? It’s not a love story that I see. It’s not all tragic. Ha definitely not a chic flick. So until I think of a better word for the bible I guess it was just stay a comedy. 

Why is life hard?
This time in my life a lot of people seem to be have problems with “life”. Saying why is life so hard and why is this happening. Life was going so good for me and now I am down in the dumps with the crap that life has given me.Life is good in so many aspects. But isn’t the bad parts of life just as good as the good parts. We learn how to get through the bad parts and how to over come the bad parts. And then when the bad parts are done we say “wow I made it. and I am alive and I am stronger because of it.” so in a sense isn’t that a good thing about life? That we as human beings are able to overcome the crap that life throws us? I mean I have overcome some very low points of my life, and I think to myself sometimes how I am a better person because of it. I learned because of the hard time that I had to go through. And now that, and if it ever happened again (pray that it doesn’t) I will know what to do. And how I can bring myself out of it. But why I ask? Why did I go through this? And why did it happen to me. I am a good person. Not that this was a bad thing, but I am a good person. I live by the “rules” of life. Why did this happen? Why cant my question of why which is so simple be answered. Going through the readings that I have done. There are a lot of questions that aren’t answered. So with the question of why leads the answer of we may never know. And that is that. The end. Point blank. When I ask my friend why isn’t life fair, she chimes in “Lauren a fair is what you take your cows and pig to. This is not a fair this it life.” so life is not fair, but its life. And we as humans have to move on and go on living it. the people in the bible didn’t  have an easy life, so why should I lead an easier life than they did? Why?

I know that we have all felt this way. Where we are just so put out that we just want to sit on the couch and say, whatever I’m done for the moment. But then in two minutes you get up and move on with your day. Admit it. it happens. Life happens. I know that the people in the bible have had this feeling more than once. But somehow they all got through everything that they were going through. The were able to be on the tip of the W. is there ever a sign from God saying that he would lead his people to freedom, that someday His people would finally live without worry. Of course He did.
With Noah the rainbow is a promise that He would never flood the earth. That is a visual representation that he will not give up on his people. Just like my blog about the letter. How it is a tangable representation of God saying that He isn’t going anywhere. This is His promise to the people that He will always be with them. I know that I will be able to make it through all that is put in my way.
I know that my friends will always be with me no matter what. My friends are my visual representation that no one will give up on me. I know that I will always have my family that is a given, but friends. They are one of a kind. I love them with all of my heart. And I will never leave them. and I know that they have my back no matter what.

In the end God shows some sign of not giving up.