Wednesday, October 6, 2010

A friend once told me a not so funny joke. Women’s rights. Ha ha ha yea.. not so much. I didn’t find the joke that funny. So this blog will be about the women in the bible. According to Mrs. Sexson
What characteristics that women have X chromosomes, mammary glands and wombs to carry babies! Eve is considered the mother of all living. She is the one who watches over the living things. Yes God does that but in a different way from Eve. If you think about it we put women features on a lot of things that we have in our lives. I know that I put a feminine name on my car. I call her "she and her". Mother earth has a feminine name.
I know that a lot of my friends have feminine names for their autos. And we have these ideas that certain colors belong to a man or a woman. The color red usually gives off the woman feature. And black gives the masculine notation. Why is that? Men can like red. Women can like black.  Gender is not about who is man and woman, its about who is playing role of masculine and feminine.
Today in this society it is just the idea that people have that give to the feminine things. These days women are moving out of the house wife notation. That women can do the same things that men do. Naturally women are sometimes better in some areas then men. Did you know that women make 73 cents to every mans dollar made in the workplace. Woman can do just if not more then the things that the man do. It’s the role that we play in society that puts a defination on who we are. I don’t know really where I am trying to go with this. I just felt that I needed to put my idea out there before I forgot what I wanted to write about. One should see my desk area. There are so many sticky notes everywhere with ideas that I want to blog about. Is that a femine characteristic that I have, that I write down my idea on sticky notes… J  

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